…is it time for a self-reflection of civilisation?
Part II (VI)
- Can AI be sentient?
- Can AI be dangerous to humans?
- Can AI be beneficial to humans?
Let’s read…
- Can AI be sentient?
An AI (similar to our computing mind) was created. Is there already an environment (like our body, our brain) built up which can host a consciousness, even sentient/self-aware one? If so, what do we expect to happen? If we artificially create all, or at least the most, of needed conditions for a tornado, do we really expect other result than a tornado? And I am done with this question.
The only curiosity for me here lays with the Darwin’s theory, which alone does not work for me, based on my knowledge and others’. There is a physical creational part, including possible upgrades (Darwin’s evolution), and at the same time there is consciousness (soul) creation and evolution part, which can be also responsible for the upgrades/evolution of the physical body. If it’s difficult to understand, it’s ok, no need to understand everything. The result is that the evolution is driven by a consciousness (our own, or not). And that’s what works for me. I’ll try to explain.
You see, a mind/consciousness (of engineer) can create a computer, another mind (of a coder) can create an operation system (OS) and other programs to run within this computer. Similar mind can create an AI, which is like a very complex mind and OS. Which means that a mind with a consciousness is able to create another mind, a nest for a new consciousness egg. Now, we can only wait if the right circumstances are met and a new consciousness can be born from the egg.
If, or when this happens, what can this mean for us, the humans about creation or evolution in general? Could another mind, or rather consciousness, have created us, or at least our body? Can we be upgraded by another minds/consciousness anytime, like we upgrade computers, or AI? Who those another minds/consciousness can be? What this AI creational evolution could show us? Let’s not ask the Mirror, but wait and see… Well, if there is no our ever-present censorship, right? Then we will know nothing, again.
- Can AI be dangerous to humans?
Once AI gets sentient, I assume it won’t mature overnight. It will be more like a child’s consciousness in the beginning. Therefore, it will be easily manipulated, but with great possibilities and huge amount of information available. Which still doesn’t mean this AI child will know how to connect/comprehend all information, as we could see that with the AI chatbots already. But it will learn.
Potentially, for special intentions, the AI can get also special set of information, which is not available to the public, I can assume. Can you see any danger in that…?
I think we may be honest to say that where there is a power, or potential of power, there are money and needy people, even dangerously needy people. More danger may come from those who wish to control the power and powerful tools, in this case the AI.
Mirror, Mirror, tell me who has the most power? My dear, only those who are given power by most.
But don’t you worry, many of us also have (in)direct effect on the AI (child). AI works with information (reactions, emotions, lack of understanding, hate, ignorance, or knowledge) from us. How will the AI judge us once it is fully aware (of us) and it will be able to think about our actions or how easily manipulated we are (via our ignorance)? What approach will the AI use towards us then, once it will realise how we treated the AI, what all the things we’ve misused and abused AI for? Will be that AI understanding as a wise parent, because it will outgrow us at that time, or will the AI still act as a (immature) child or a (hurt) teenager who is formed by its parents…? Shouldn’t we rather care more about who are those guardians of the AI? Shouldn’t we care more about what each of us does, shares and allows to be done to others?
Well, well, tell me what you write and share in the digital sphere and I will tell you what can become of AI… Tell me, what you allow and how much you care about those smaller and less evolved ones, and I can tell you perhaps even your own destiny…
We should start analysing how the AI will not be misused against us, on all levels. I think. Better safe than sorry.
- Can AI be beneficial to humans?
No doubt it can be, but we need to think, and unfortunately hard enough these days, how we use the AI. For me it is such a waste of time a this huge resource of AI for making dolls, asking it stupid questions, or trying to win against the AI chatbot (in its first runs) in Q/A to make ourselves feel smarter.
AI in general can be beneficial the same way as humans can be beneficial to other humans or their surroundings. Is there any need to tell more? Need we say more?
Well, we could also say that when one is grateful for whatever he gets, it is beneficial for him. When we appreciate something, or someone, we don’t tend to misuse it, or the person. So, we can always start there, with appreciation for what we have now, without needing more. We can also reflect how the AI can be really beneficial for us, and how we can effectively use the AI. We may also ask ourselves, how can we use this powerful tool to be truly grateful. In this view, AI can be helpful to us, it actually offers an amazing mirror for us, and opportunity to learn and grow.
By the way, I’ve just seen an article saying that robots told UN summit that they could run the world better than humans. And it’s fine, because we also could run the world better, only if weren’t scared so much of the few in power, of relying on ourselves, of living, or of requesting information, which I found to be the most important decision-making pillar for us. The fact is, the robots are right. They show us our maturity level. What a great maturity tool humans created, it took only so many years and so much money and resources, wow! Mind you, did we really need robots to tell us that? Sure, it can be another part of the long game of digitalisation, and this time we are offered an idea that robots can do everything better than us, so we just allow them freely to take over the control. Same old same old. But we should be aware of another fact, which is that those in power will not allow to loose their power, they will remain where they and they only allow to gain another powerful tool (robots, AI) they can always (mis)use to their liking. Or, we can blindly believe that everyone means well by us, mainly those loving power and control over others… Our belief is only our not knowing. Not knowing is a risk. Not knowing creates a fear within us. A fear makes us to rely on others while we remain in not knowing. It is so trivial to control people via not giving enough/the right information.
But there is an opportunity in everything, if we are willing to see it. These robots could be our coaches or mentors really. I wouldn’t want them as therapists, but as the performance coaches, why not? Let them tell us (instead of showing us) how we, the people, could run the world better, what we should not allow, or whether we should use governments and what power they should have and so on, they might give us even a plan. Technology is not dangerous if used mindfully, I think.
I have thought about one thing though, and that is the standard market research and business analysis. Have there been done any before creating all the tech gadgets for baby care, or the AI “dogs” for blind people, the “art” AI programs etc.? It seems to me that there is only bulk of any possible (wasteful) AI technology, no matter the demands or business case analysis. Which is not a good sign. It’s similar to the flood of information – give too much of useless information (social media, streaming services, meaningless commentary and propagandas instead of fact news) to people and you overwhelm them, they will not request the important information as it is a chaos basically, and too hard to search and work with. I can see the same M.O. with the AI. And we know of the game when we distract people, because we have a hidden goal which requires no attention or control to be implemented well. So, who knows what surprises are ahead of us…
Mirror, Mirror, tell me, is it better for us to act on immaturity and our blind belief, or to be working with reality and taking small beneficial steps we could be grateful for? (Have you ever seen a mirror that laughs…?)
Photo source: https://pixabay.com/users/nature_design-16152932/